OSEP is excited to launch the inaugural POP2020: Power of Purpose week from 16th November to 20th November 2020. Coinciding with Global Entrepreneurship Week, and Social Enterprise Day on 19th November, POP2020 is a festival of events and activities in collaboration with key partners and stakeholders celebrating business as a force for good.
At the heart of the week will be a showcase of some of the inspiring work taking place as part of eScalate, an enterprise support programme being delivered by OSEP in partnership with OxLEP Business and funded by the European Regional Development Fund. eScalate supports social enterprises, social entrepreneurs, enterprising charities and purposeful businesses through workshops, peer to peer sessions, one to ones, and grant funding.
To deliver the eScalate programme, 6 enterprise hubs were appointed across Oxfordshire to share their expertise and knowledge, as well as provide a vibrant network for social impact organisations. Each of these hubs will be sharing why they chose to be part of eScalate, and how the programme has helped them over the last 18 months. We will be sharing their stories on the run up to POP2020 week, when the hubs will be hosting events to celebrate the eScalate, and business as a force for good.
You can sign up to all the POP2020 events for FREE on Eventbrite, here’s the schedule >>
This week of events, will raise awareness of the business support available in Oxfordshire, and how purposeful business is key to growing a successful enterprise. An enterprise that has the sustainability to weather the challenges of the modern world, and be part of a movement to create positive social and environmental impact for generations to come.
Sign up to one of the fully funded eScalate POP2020 events here:
[…] are hosting OSEP’s Virtual Social Enterprise & Buyer Meet Up for Oxfordshire at the inaugural POP2020: Power of Purpose week this month on 18th November, and ahead of the event, we caught up with Paul & Sophie from […]